Beyond Just a Website
When one thinks about web development many typical think of your regular website. Even though our programmers have designed and deployed 1,000s of websites, our focus is on the harder problems and developing specific web applications to use online. From water well management to sponsorship programs our developers enjoy solving a program through a digital application. However, we follow a simple philosophy-design, develop, and deploy. We ensure to meet this by following the steps below.
The first step in any development is research. This step is crucial in seeing what is already on the market. Does your idea already exist? Is there a copyright or patent that will prohibit you from moving forward? Is the requirement technologically infeasible?
The second step is to start building the wireframe. Here is where we start to understand the objective of the web application. What are some of the expectations and desires? Where are the gotchas and what functions might be needed.
You might be asking what is a wireframe. Think about it as the architectural plans for a home. Wireframes are a visual outline for a web user exchange or UX. Its purpose is to present interaction, synchronization, functions, and content between pages. A wireframe is a rough draft of the web application; it is the bare bones of the project. Many companies skip this step as many clients are not willing to pay the time to get it done right. When this step is skipped then problems come later that drive unexpected costs. A well thought out plan helps to reduce the burden of unexpectations later. Wireframing can be as simple as doodles on a paper or a the use of a digital software like Mockflow or Invision.

As we have laid out the plan for the application it is time to start designing the look and begin program development. Depending on the project our go to framework is Laravel.
“Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.”
Laravel is one of the many frameworks available out there, but we can reach out and use any framework you desire. As we build your database with MySQL or MariaDB we then move to work the functions to interact with the database. From there we start presenting the data and building the forms that adds data to the database. We then begin building the pages and the visual of the application.

This is a very crucial step in the development of your web application. Like stated in the previous steps, if you skip over any of them, you are hurting yourself in the end. Each step plays a crucial role. In order to present a great first impression you must allow us to test your application appropriately. As we test we will debug and fix the issues. This will not only allow a great launch but a better user experience. We use multiple system to test and debug your web application.
After all the hardwork we are ready for launch. This is the completion of the project. Depending on the terms of agreement we provide a 90-day guarantee for any function issues. After the 90-days we highly recommend our monthly support package.